Every once in a while I hear some sort of new, and even strange writing method. By writing method, I mean how people get their stories down on the paper. It's fascinating to discuss this with other writers, because you learn so much about what works and what doesn't for you. Some lead the writer into starting at the very end, then working his way up to the beginning. Another one I've heard is to start way before the action, suspense, or general plot even starts, then erase it to the portion where the story really gets moving.
For me, when I explain to others my method they look at me as though I'm crazy, or begin to throw questions at me as to why. I attend conventions that focus on comics, japanese animation, and Anthropomorphic animals--society knows such people as "Furries." I've been in several fandoms for a while, and while there are those several folks who are odd, different, or just a little creepy, there's a whole network of artists, writers, bloggers, and musicians that not only push each other, but help along the way. I feel comfortable at times writing my stories with anthropomorphic animals, or other types of characters. It gives it a different touch, in my opinion. Once I finish the story, I either erase all the animal characteristics--make them human--or if it works well I try to figure out what the story's about, and tie in symbolism to make it work.
It's not exactly the strangest method, but it does make others ponder (having to explain why I use it is always a new experience). Of course, not all my stories use this method, such as adult stories, and I'm trying get into a normal swing of writing. What kind of methods do you use, and how do they push you through your work?
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