Sunday, September 30, 2012

     I've had this blog for quite a while, and while it's been empty, I've decided to open it up again after learning one of my professors uses it--which is saying a lot. I plan to use this to discuss my writing, post some short stories, and update where I'm going with literature based events. 
     That brings up the next issue: where are the literature based events? So far I know that there's the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, and my college pays host to an annual spring writers festival as well. They both play host to talented writers, including those who take charge of writing for television, publishers, and newsprint. If anywhere I'll start at my college due to its proximity to my courses.
     For now I plan to keep any short stories I create on the "down-low" as I work towards getting some works published. I've started to send some out, much thanks to the professor whom I've mentioned above, and expect a well polished rejection letter to be sent to me within the next few months. Hopefully this blog will be a way to branch out and expel my works to the masses, and allow me to discuss, if not vent, some thoughts I have on the writing business. 
Here; enjoy this photo of an orb I caught on camera while at the Queen Anne Hotel in San Francisco.